CISV at World of Nations

CISV Jacksonville will be manning a pavilion at World of Nations.  The event is from 11-7 on Saturday and 11-6 on Sunday. Sign up for a shift here:

2020 Parent Orientation

This event is limited to parents of children that have been selected to represent the USA at CISV programs in 2020.  Please complete this form before the meeting: At this meeting your delegation will: Review the parent handbook Meet fellow delegation parents and mentor Discuss and fill out legal, health, travel information and individual information forms (as…

March 2020 JB Activity – Postponed

Due to restrictions that the Sulzbacher Center has adopted due to the coronavirus outbreak, CISV Jacksonville's Junior Branch will NOT be preparing dinner at the Sulzbacher Center. Two shifts are no longer available: 3pm-5pm Food Preparation 5pm-7pm Food Serving We will not be able to bring gently used toys, books and shoes to donate. Sign…

Chapter Development Training- Postponed

Due to coronavirus travel restrictions, Chapter Development in Jax will be postponed to a later date. Who Should Attend Adults: Any Chapter volunteer Junior Branch: all youth that are on the Junior Branch Board or who would like to join the Junior Branch Board and the JB Board Advisor Adult Curriculum: ● CISV Background and…

Spring General Meeting 2020 – Postponed

Spring General Meeting is open to chapter members and their guests.  Join us for elections for the adult and Junior Branch boards.  We are postponing the event.  The date and location will be announced after more information about when group meetings will be permitted is available. Complete this application to apply for the Junior Branch…

Junior Branch Board Elections

Join the Junior Branch for its Elections for the 2020-2021 Year. Held Online All kids age 10-18 can vote. Candidates will make a statement Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 1563 0596 One tap mobile +16465588656,,85715630596# US (New York) +13017158592,,85715630596# US (Germantown) Dial by your location +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) Meeting…

JB September Activity

Please come join the Junior Branch for a fun weekend of online activities from Kahoot to Minecraft! On Sunday, September 5th at 4:00 p.m. play Kahoot to earn a fun prize. Then at 4:30 tune in to our scavenger hunt. On Monday, September 6th at 4:00 p.m. log on to our Minecraft server for fun…

Ride the Peace Wave Challenge

Spend 17 Days from International Peace Day to Doris Allen's Birthday exploring the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals with your Family or Pod! September 21 is International Peace Day Join CISV USA and other global communities, September 21 at noon. A Wave of Peace will pass across the globe, traveling time-zones as participants observe a…


JB Activity – Cultural Showcase

Join the Junior Branch for an online meeting to showcase your culture and ethnic background on Sunday, Oct. 25 at 2:30 to 3:30 pm. Show us your cultural dress, make a dish, teach us a phrase in your language, show us a dance in your culture, or anything that can be presented over our call. Tell…

2020 Fall General Meeting

Please join us for our Virtual Fall General Meeting!   **There will be 2 sessions** 2:30-3:30pm: Youth Activities Youth age 9 and up are invited to join the CISV Junior Branch, the part of our organization run by our teenagers, for an online cultural showcase   4:00-5:00pm:   Fall General Meeting CISV Jacksonville will host its…