CISV programs aren’t just for children—they offer valuable educational experiences for adults as well. Adult leaders are integral to the success of all CISV programs.
In a Village program, leaders, alongside junior counselors, manage day-to-day activities, plan the camp agenda, and shape the experience for 11-year-old participants. In a Step Up program, leaders act as facilitators, guiding participants as they plan camp activities themselves. During an Interchange, leaders collaborate with parents and delegates to organize group schedules and activities, while also hosting the delegation leader from the partner country.
While leaders focus on enriching the children’s daytime experiences, the late-evening hours provide an opportunity for leaders to have their own meaningful CISV experiences. After-hours activities often enhance cultural understanding among the adult facilitators, fostering lasting friendships with colleagues from around the world.
A leader’s day is full and involves facilitating activities, connecting with delegates, and dedicating time in the evening to debrief and plan for the next day. Leaders also use this time to connect with peers, problem-solve, and learn from each other. Though leaders have time off from the camp, they can choose to explore the local community or enjoy some downtime for reading and relaxation. In the Village program, the middle weekend offers leaders a chance to relax as a group while the children stay with host families.