Why age 11?
CISV’s founder Doris Allen was a child psychologist. She knew that 11 was the perfect developmental age for children of different cultures to come together to learn and make friends. These are key developmental characteristics of 11 year olds:
They readily accept new experiences. They can enjoy living with many nationalities and many languages.
At the same time they are in an age of action, in contrast to the intellectual, philosophical adolescent.
They easily communicate with other children. In the absence of a common language, they spontaneously use sign language, drawing and drama. At their age they do not fear making mistakes and quickly try out any newly learned words or phrases.
They are adaptable. They are relatively free from inner barriers and prejudice.
Eleven year olds at the same time are old enough to carry the stamp of their respective cultures. They represent enough differences to give a real international character to the Village.
They easily work with authority. They have not yet reached the characteristic rebellion of adolescence.
They are old enough to be away from home for as long as four weeks without being homesick.