Action Items
- If you haven’t, register to vote.
- Ask your black friends, family, partners, neighbors, and colleagues what you can do for them.
- Educate yourself and read up on what it means to be anti-racist.
- Screenshot, share, and repost resources to educate those around you.
- Don’t center the narrative around you. Identify privilege and condemn it.
- Stop supporting organizations that promote hate.
- Be an ally and continue to advocate after the protests end.
- If you have the means, continue to donate to fund and support initiatives.
Petitions to sign
Numbers to call/text
- Text FLOYD to 55-156 (ColorsOfChange Petition)
- Call Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer and demand justice for Breonna Taylor: 502-574-2003
Organizations to donate to
- George Floyd Memorial Fund
- Reclaim the Block
- National Bail Out
- Black Lives Matter
- Bail Project
- Black Visions Collective
- Campaign Zero
- National Bail Fund Network
- The Innocence Project
Organizations to follow on social media
- @blklivesmatter
- @colorofchange
- @naacp
- @showingupforracialjustice
- @civilrightsorg
- @reclaimtheblock
- @ethelsclub
- @unitedwedream
Questions to ask yourself
- What can you do to support POC in your community?
- What are your local politicians’ policies on ending police brutality?
- When were you taught about race and culture?
- How do you plan on helping the fight to end racial discrimination and systematic oppression?
- How can you use anti-racist knowledge to change and progress conversations with friends, family, colleagues and peers?
- How can you be actively anti-racist instead of simply “not racist”?
- What do you want to learn more about?