Over 20 seminar camps are available for 2025. Participants in Seminar Camp must be age 16 or 17 on the day of departure for the program and on the last day of the program.
Please see the application for the dates and locations for seminar camp. Participants are chosen at the CISV USA level. Download the application at this link, complete it and email your application to seminar@cisvusa.org and to cisvusa@cisvusa.org. Please copy cisvjax@gmail.com with your application so that the chapter knows to complete your chapter endorsement.
Applications not sent to all of those emails will be considered incomplete. The application should be completed by the youth applicant (not their parent), and the youth applicant should be responsible for corresponding by email with CISV USA Seminar Camp chair. The CISV Seminar program is designed to develop delegates as leaders and self-advocators. This begins with the application process, meaning all communication should come from the delegate’s own personal email. As delegates will be traveling alone, most likely internationally, they should have their own email and be able to do this.
The complete application must contain all of the following:
- The entire application packet with full preferences completed.
- Proof of Age (copy of driver’s license, birth certificate or passport)
- Two personal recommendations Youth Delegate Reference Form (teachers, coaches, former leaders, family friends, JB advisors, etc.)
- Chapter Endorsement Form from CISV Jacksonville (please email cisvjax@gmail.com to request the endorsement) – please note, parents cannot endorse their children.
The deadline for completing the application and submitting references is January 1, 2025.