Monthly Board Meeting (Adults)

Event Series Monthly Board Meeting (Adults)

The adult Board meets monthly to share updates, review action items, make plans and decisions which affect all aspects of our CISV Jacksonville Chapter and programs. Any CISV members are welcome to attend at any time. We usually meet virtually via Zoom but on occasion will have an in-person option as well. Please reach out…

CISV 101 – Zoom

A CISV 101 is the perfect opportunity for youth, parents and other adults to learn more about CISV. Youth and adults who have participated in CISV programs will explain CISV’s educational principles, types of programs and activities, and 2023 opportunities with the Jacksonville Chapter. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 441 545 1151 Passcode: 550633 One…

CISV 101 Info Session

A CISV 101 is the perfect opportunity for youth, parents and other adults to learn more about CISV. Youth and adults who have participated in CISV programs will explain CISV’s educational principles, types of programs and activities, and 2023 opportunities with the Jacksonville Chapter. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 441 545 1151 Passcode: 550633 One…

Parent Orientation 2023

This event is limited to parents of children that have been selected to represent the USA at CISV programs in 2023. Click here to sign up to help with the event At this meeting your delegation will: Review the Parent Handbook 2023 Meet fellow delegation parents and mentor Discuss and fill out legal, health, travel…

Monthly Board Meeting (Adults)

Event Series Monthly Board Meeting (Adults)

The adult Board meets monthly to share updates, review action items, make plans and decisions which affect all aspects of our CISV Jacksonville Chapter and programs. Any CISV members are welcome to attend at any time. We usually meet virtually via Zoom but on occasion will have an in-person option as well. Please reach out…

Local Leader Training

This event trains leaders, junior counselors, Seminar and Fortnight delegates,  and staff for local and international programs.  Local trainings will conduct this training. The training will be from 9am to 6pm at UNF in building 4, room 1705.  Park in the Arena garage, Garage 38 and walk down the corridor to building 4. map with…

FACES of Jax Play Date #1

Current 4th and 5th graders who would like to attend CISV's free FACES of Jacksonville camp from July 24 to Aug 4 should attend one or both of the FACES play dates. Youth will participate in typical CISV games and be interviewed by a committee of CISV volunteers to see if the child seems ready…

Chapter Development Virtual Workshop #1

Please join CISV USA for virtual training on how to support CISV Jacksonville as an adult volunteer. Please register for the training at  There are 2 alternatives for this training - April 22 or May 7.  Please sign up for one of these sessions.

Spring General Meeting 2023

Spring General Meeting is open to chapter members and their guests.  Join us for a parade of nations in which all the Jacksonville youth selected to represent the USA at CISV programs in 2023 will be recognized and a new slate of officers will be up for a vote.  The Junior Branch will begin its…

Adult Minicamp

This event is for adults interested in learning more about CISV by participating in CISV activities and leaders and Junior Counselors who could not attend local leadership training.