National Leader Training – Jax

CISV Jacksonville will host national leader training in Jacksonville.  All international and FACES leaders and staff for Jacksonville programs should plan to attend this training. Please register for the training at this link: National Leadership Training Registration It will cover the following topics: Session: Introduction and Getting to Know You Games! 7 Session: All About…

Chapter Development Virtual Workshop #2

Please join CISV USA for virtual training on how to support CISV Jacksonville as an adult volunteer. Please register for the training at  There are 2 alternatives for this training - April 30 or May 7.  Please sign up for one of these sessions.

FACES of Jax Play Date #2

Current 4th and 5th graders who would like to attend CISV's free FACES of Jacksonville camp from July 24 to Aug 4 should attend one or both of the FACES play dates. Youth will participate in typical CISV games and be interviewed by a committee of CISV volunteers to see if the child seems ready…

Monthly Board Meeting (Adults)

Event Series Monthly Board Meeting (Adults)

The adult Board meets monthly to share updates, review action items, make plans and decisions which affect all aspects of our CISV Jacksonville Chapter and programs. Any CISV members are welcome to attend at any time. We usually meet virtually via Zoom but on occasion will have an in-person option as well. Please reach out…

National Leader Training – May 20

CISV Southwest Florida will host national leader training in Jacksonville.  All international and FACES leaders and staff for Jacksonville programs that were unable to attend training in Jacksonville should plan to attend this training or the online training on June 3. Please register for the training at this link: National Leadership Training Registration It will…

Faces Wish List Donations

  Please help support our Faces Summer Camp 2023. You can bring your donated items to the Farewell Party on June 4th or the Faces Set Up day on July 22nd. Please Click here to Help: Faces Wish List Sign-Up

National Leader Training – June 3 Online

CISV USA offers an online make-up session for national leader training.  All international and FACES leaders and staff for Jacksonville programs that were not able to attend prior training should plan to attend this training. Please register for the training at this link: National Leadership Training Registration It will cover the following topics: Session: Introduction…

FACES Play Date #3

Current 4th and 5th graders who would like to attend CISV's free FACES of Jacksonville camp from July 24 to Aug 4 should attend one or both of the FACES play dates. Youth will participate in typical CISV games and be interviewed by a committee of CISV volunteers to see if the child seems ready…

Farewell Party 2023

CISV Jacksonville looks forward to kicking off the summer with a Farewell Party for all the 2023 delegates!  Everyone in the chapter is welcome to join for swimming, socializing and eating. Wear a bathing suit and CISV T-shirt and bring a towel. Register to attend using the orange "Register" button. Click below to sign up…

Welcome Camp Staff

Join us to celebrate our Jacksonville Seminar Camp staff and FACES of Jacksonville Camp staff. Celebrate the wonderful volunteers that make CISV programs so wonderful! Sign up to bring a potluck item below: