CISV 101 – Jan. 26th, 2019

Are you considering CISV for your child? At CISV 101, parents and kids who have participated in CISV international educational programs share their experiences, explain the history and goals of CISV. We also discuss what happens at CISV programs and next steps for your child becoming a CISV participant. Sign up to learn more!

Cook-off for Jan Jr Branch Activity

You're invited for a cook-off with the CISV Junior Branch. Register to bring a sweet or savory dish. $7 entry fee goes to support the Jr. Branch. Click here to pay by PayPal or bring your fee to the event.


IC, Step Up & YM 2019 Selection Overnight

To select youth age 12-18 for the Interchange, Step Up and Youth Meeting programs, CISV Jacksonville hosts one overnight event. Selection events are intended to give kids a chance to see what CISV games and activities are like, to give parents greater understanding of CISV's educational principles and program details, and to give our chapter…


CISV 101 Feb 1

Are you considering CISV for your child? At CISV 101, parents and kids who have participated in CISV international educational programs share their experiences, explain the history and goals of CISV. We also discuss what happens at CISV programs and next steps for your child becoming a CISV participant. Register to learn more! At the…

Village Selection Event #3 – Mandatory Overnight

To select youth for its Village program, CISV Jacksonville hosts 3 events. 2 Saturday morning "play days" 1 Friday night overnight The more events you attend the greater likelihood you have of being selected.  The overnight is mandatory. Selection events are intended to give kids a chance to see what CISV games and activities are…

CISV 101 Feb 8

Are you considering CISV for your child? At CISV 101, parents and kids who have participated in CISV international educational programs share their experiences, explain the history and goals of CISV. We also discuss what happens at CISV programs and next steps for your child becoming a CISV participant. Register to learn more! At the…

 We CISV Pledge Drive

It takes a Village to host a Village!  Our chapter will be hosting about 75 people from at least 15 countries for a month this summer.  As a Chapter we will provide shelter, security, food and supervision for this 28-day camp experience.  To help raise funds to support this hosting effort, we will conduct a We  CISV Pledge Drive…

Feb 2019 Bd Mtg

All chapter members are invited to our chapter's board meetings.

Double the Love – Donate Today

DOUBLE THE LOVE on Valentines Day. A donation to benefit 2019 Village hosting will be matched today 1:1 up to $2,500 by Robert & Deborah Stewart. Today only!  GIVE NOW at  

CISV Jax JB Winter Minicamp

Spy's Susan Cooper Click on James Bond to pay for minicamp Click on Spy vs Spy for info on CISV's Conflict & Resolution Educational Principle What is Mini Camp? Mini Camp is an incredible weekend; jam-packed with fun CISV activities, top notch educational content, awesome people, energizers galore, and so much more! Our awesome CISV…
