Junior Branch Cookie-a-thon

The Junior Branch of CISV Jacksonville, the part of our chapter run by youth age 13-18, invite you to their annual cookie-a-thon.  The group will be baking cookies to donate to nonprofits. Bring cookie dough to the event.  


CISV 101 Dec. 1st 2018

Are you considering CISV for your child? At CISV 101, parents and kids who have participated in CISV international educational programs share their experiences, explain the history and goals of CISV. We also discuss what happens at CISV programs and next steps for your child becoming a CISV participant. Sign up to learn more!

December Mosaic Project & Jr Branch Event 2018

Mosaic projects are planned and delivered by our Chapters, using CISV’s educational approach, and each one responds to local needs and interests in a meaningful way. Most projects are designed and run in cooperation with partner organizations to further the benefit to the local community. Adults and youth from our chapter will be working with…

CISV 101 – Dec 8 House of Leaf & Bean

At a CISV 101, prospective youth and parents can hear about CISV educational programs from youth and adults who have participated in CISV's unique educational programs.  CISV 101 provides a short orientation about CISV's educational principles, history, programs opportunities, selection process and volunteer expectations. To learn more about CISV, also see our video library here: https://jacksonville.cisvusa.org/cisv-video-library/

Winter Youth Meeting Set Up

CISV Jacksonville will welcome delegates from Asia, Europe, North and South America for a 1 week youth meeting in Jacksonville from December 27 to January 3.  We are setting up the camp location on Sunday, December 23 from 1-3. Sign up to help with that and other tasks for the youth meeting. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084bafab29a3f85-ymwinter  

Winter Youth Meeting Break-down

CISV Jacksonville will welcome delegates from Asia, Europe, North and South America for a 1 week youth meeting in Jacksonville from December 27 to January 3.  We are breaking down the camp location on Thursday, January 3 in 2 sessions  - one from 1:00 to 3:00 and from 5:30 to 7:30. Sign up to help…

CISV 101 – Jan 5, 2019

Are you considering CISV for your child? At CISV 101, parents and kids who have participated in CISV international educational programs share their experiences, explain the history and goals of CISV. We also discuss what happens at CISV programs and next steps for your child becoming a CISV participant. Sign up to learn more!

CISV 101 – Jan. 12th, 2018

Are you considering CISV for your child? At CISV 101, parents and kids who have participated in CISV international educational programs share their experiences, explain the history and goals of CISV. We also discuss what happens at CISV programs and next steps for your child becoming a CISV participant. Sign up to learn more!

Village Selection Event #1

To select youth for its Village program, CISV Jacksonville hosts 3 events. 2 Saturday morning "play days" 1 Friday night overnight The more events you attend the greater likelihood you have of being selected.  The overnight is mandatory. Selection events are intended to give kids a chance to see what CISV games and activities are…


CISV 101 – Jan 13th, 2019

Are you considering CISV for your child? At CISV 101, parents and kids who have participated in CISV international educational programs share their experiences, explain the history and goals of CISV. We also discuss what happens at CISV programs and next steps for your child becoming a CISV participant. Sign up to learn more!