February 10, 2019 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
It takes a Village to host a Village! Our chapter will be hosting about 75 people from at least 15 countries for a month this summer. As a Chapter we will provide shelter, security, food and supervision for this 28-day camp experience. To help raise funds to support this hosting effort, we will conduct a We
CISV Pledge Drive during the week of Valentine’s Day.
If you want to help contact CISVJax alumni and friends for their support, please contact Josie Summa at josiecisvjax@gmail.com to find out more!
The Pledge Drive kicks off with a fun “phone banking event” on Feb 10th from 5:30 to 9 PM, which will include food, camaraderie and FUN as we reach out to past CISVJax members across the country. Register to join us to help with this important event. We have a list of ~600 alumni and friends to reconnect with!
We will be contacting our CISV friends to donate to help fund the Village we are hosting this summer. See how donations can impact our Village plans here.