April 25, 2020 @ 10:00 am - April 26, 2020 @ 12:00 pm
Due to coronavirus travel restrictions, Chapter Development in Jax will be postponed to a later date.
Who Should Attend
Adults: Any Chapter volunteer
Junior Branch: all youth that are on the Junior Branch Board or who would like to join the Junior Branch Board and the JB Board Advisor
Adult Curriculum:
β CISV Background and Philosophy
β Tools for Getting the Job Done
β Program Challenges
β Visioning for your Chapter
β Risk Management
β The Art of Persuasion
β Best Practices
β Adult and JB Relations
β Figuring out the Finances
Junior Branch Curriculum:
β Educational Content
β Goal Setting
β National / International Involvement
β Leadership
β JB impact
β Communication
Site Accommodations and What to Bring:
β Toiletries
β Examples of materials from your Chapter, including newsletters, fundraising materials, PR materials, database prototypes, budgets, program fee worksheets, board rosters, descriptions of board positions, and anything else you think would be helpful to other Chapters (NOTE: one copy of each is sufficient per Chapter)
β A snack to share
β’ Junior Branch attendees must bring the Domestic Youth Legal Form, which can be found on CISV Central
β Lots of energy and a smile!
Dietary Needs
Attendees with special dietary needs must contact the site contact at least one week prior to their workshop. Requests made past this deadline should not expect to be fulfilled. NOTE: Those following a gluten-free diet should bring their own supplemental items.
Contact Information
Chapter Development Contact: Lynn Buff – lynnbcisv@gmail.com
National Coordinator: Rebecca Wagner – administrativeassistant@cisvusa.org
National JB Contacts: Nikita Raheja and Benjamin Allan-Rahilβ njrs@us.cisv.org
Jacksonville youth and adults should register on this webpage.
People from other chapters should register on the national website here: https://cisvusa.org/chapter-development-registration/.