Show off your collection of CISV merch with photos, video or graphics via a social media post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Tiktok. CISV Jacksonville will enter every post into a drawing to win a $100 coupon code for our online store, good through 31 December 2021.
Your post(s) will be entered in the drawing when the following criteria are met:
- We all want to see it! The content you create must be tagged with #cisvmerchparty and #cisvjax. Here’s how to make sure we can find your content and add it to the drawing:
- Instagram: follow @cisvjax and we will follow you back to see your entry
- Facebook: make your #cisvmerchparty post public
- Twitter: we can only see hashtags on public accounts
- Tiktok: the account you use must be public for us to find you
- You are clearly at the #cisvmerchparty! CISV branded items must have a prominent role in your content, and your content must adhere to general CISV principles and the National Code of Conduct for Junior Branch USA.
- Meet the deadline: The winner must have posted their content by Saturday night Nov 21st at 10 pm Eastern Standard Time, US. The winner of the drawing will be announced the next day, Nov 22nd. (We will use your social media handle to notify you, so please be sure to check your DMs!)
If you don’t have a social media account, no worries! We will post your content (video, photo or graphic) to our CISVJax channels for you. Just email it to us at!
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